Evelyn Poehler, Landscape Architect of Wethersfield

The Wethersfield Foundation partnered with the Sharon Historical Society and Museum to present an exhibition in Sharon, CT called Creating an Oasis at Wethersfield: Mrs. Poehler and Mr. Stillman

Wethersfield and the Sharon Historical Society and Museum announced the opening of an exhibition in Sharon on the female, pioneering 20th c. landscape architect who created the masterpiece at Wethersfield Estate & Garden in Amenia, NY for Mr. Chauncey Stillman. Considered among the finest classical gardens in America, this formal, Italian Renaissance garden sits atop one of the highest points in Dutchess County with sweeping vistas. The 1,000 acre property is on the National Register of Historic Places.

The exhibition explores the history of creating this formal garden between the landscape architect, Evelyn Poehler, and her client over decades. Unknown, due to their shared preference for privacy, this landscape design belongs in the legion of work done by others, namely Beatrix Farrand and Ellen Biddle Shipman. In fact, correspondence between Radcliffe College and Mr. Stillman illustrates the confusion that Beatrix Farrand was thought to have designed Wethersfield’s garden, when in fact, Evelyn Poehler designed it.

The exhibition features original renderings, correspondence, drawings and notations from the Wethersfield archives. In addition, historic and contemporary photography of the garden are included for a fully immersive experience, as visitors learn about an often-overlooked, pioneering landscape architect from Sharon, CT. Visitors to the exhibition will receive a Complimentary Day Pass to Wethersfield Estate & Garden, located nearby in Amenia, NY to view the gardens in person.

The Sharon Historical Society and Museum is free and open to the public Wednesdays through Fridays, 12 pm- 4pm and on Saturdays from 10 am – 2 pm.

The Wethersfield Foundation is a non-profit organization that oversees the stewardship of the 1,000 acre estate of Mr. Chauncey Stillman, replete with formal gardens, 20 miles of trails and open space for all to enjoy. It is open to the public on Fridays through Sundays, 10 am – 5 pm.

Additional information on the exhibition can also be found at Sharon Historical Society and Museum’s website at sharonhist.org